10 Reasons YOU SHOULD START a Home-Based Business
Here are 15 more reasons why you should start your own small business today: bit.ly/glamwithmack
1. You have the time.
Yes, even you. Everyone has the same amount of time. The only difference is what you're willing to do with yours.
If you were trapped underground and had only 24 hours' worth of oxygen, you wouldn't check your Twitter feed or chat with friends or spend a little me time in front of the TV. You'd dig and dig and dig.
Apply the same level of importance and urgency to what you want to accomplish and your schedule will instantly clear.
Finding the time is always a matter of how badly you want it.
2. You have the money.
As Growthink founder Dave Lavinsky says, being an entrepreneur is the art and science of accomplishing more with less -- less money, less staff, less time, etc.
Face it: You will never have "enough" cash or funding. Never. If you don't have enough capital to launch your business the way you plan, change your plan.
You can't always control what you have, but you can control what you do with what you have.
Paparazzi Is only $99 to start, with smart moves can turn into more.
3. You have the courage.
Every entrepreneur is scared. (Or at least should be.) (DO IT SCARED). We all did!
So you have a choice: let your fears hold you back or use those same fears as fuel to do whatever it takes to succeed.
Complacency is the enemy of achievement. Fortunately, you can use your fear to drive complacency away.
4. You're never too late to any party.
Yeah, Jobs beat you to Apple, but Xerox beat him. Zuckerberg wasn't first in social media. The list goes on. Innovation is never one-and-done; some of the most successful companies are based on refining earlier ideas and innovations.
You're only too late if you're not willing to start.
5. You have the skills. (Or can get them)
We have a network of people you can learn from . Read a book. Heck, Listen to books. Talk to friends.
Does that seem too hard? Like too big of a price to pay? Or just not fair? Then accept that you will never have the skills and stop complaining.
Skills and knowledge are earned, not given.
6. You can afford the risk.
A risk you take today is a risk you can recover from. Given time, you can overcome almost any setback, stumble, or failure -- and emerge stronger and smarter and better prepared to succeed in the future.
If you never try, all you'll be is regretful: When you're old and gray and "done," you'll look back on your life and think, "I wonder what might have happened if I had only ... "
That's one risk you should never take.
7. You don't have to wait for perfection
Plenty of people never pull the startup trigger because they're stuck in an endless loop of "refinement." But "striving for perfection" isn't really the issue. Instead, they're insecure. Or they fear criticism or rejection. Or they're even afraid they'll succeed.
Don't be like them. Do your best, and then step back. If a little more work will result in a markedly better outcome, go for it. If a little more work will not make a difference anyone but you will notice, let it go.
Then you make improvements based on the feedback you get from the only people whose opinions really matter: your customers.
8. It's not too hard.
Long journeys are hard.
Individual steps are easy.
Say you sit on your couch all day and suddenly you decide to run a marathon. You're right: That's too hard. But you can go out today and run a lap or two. Or you can walk a few miles. You can take one small step toward a difficult goal. And then another. And then another.
Or say you want to lose 50 pounds. That's too hard. But you can eat one meal differently. Or you can take a walk at lunch.
Or say you want to open a business. You can look at possible locations. Or work on your business plan. Or talk to a potential supplier. Or get advice from a mentor.
You can't accomplish any difficult goal overnight, but you can accomplish one step, however small, toward that goal.
Or you can have a business with a team of people rooting for your success. Click here
Think about the end of a journey and all that will be required along the way and you'll never start. Instead, do just one thing that will help get you there. Then build on it. First step. Take Action.
That you can do.
9. You can do things differently. (And enjoy it.)
Take me: My parents raised me to go to school get a job, and work!. I am one of very few that moved away after college for new opportunities. Taking advantage of certain opportunities required doing it away and differently from they way I grew up or from those around me.
If you're not comfortable doing something because it violates your principles or ethics, by all means don't. But if you're not comfortable doing something simply because it will take you out of your comfort zone, you're just rationalizing.
And you'll never be more than you already are. (Sad, but true!)
Stretch yourself. You'll be surprised by how many comfort zones you can inhabit.
10. You can start a business in just a few minutes to hours.
Many aspiring entrepreneurs feel stuck by the apparent complexity involved in the administrative and legal tasks involved in starting a business.
Actually, it's not hard at all: You can set up your business in 10 MINUTES. Paparazzi Accessories give you a business in a box. The hard work has been taken care of.
That will get you off square one and on to the fun stuff.
Adapted from https://www.inc.com/jeff-haden/15-reasons-you-shoiuld-start-your-own-small-business-today.html