HEY HEY HEY> My name is Mack Of Glam With Mack. However,  you can call me Chevella.  I am a wife, daughter, sister and mom of 3 boys! YEP, 3 BOYS!!  I AM LUCKY TO BE THE QUEEN OF THE CASTLE.


I joined Paparazzi November of 2017. I  joined because I needed to find my own network of like-minded people, I needed to find a community of  people that was NOT connected to school, sports, or my husband. I just needed something for me; maybe you can relate.

I saw a former classmate selling Facebook live,  I immediately saw the potential in this opportunity. Social Media is FREE Advertising. I knew this would be an amazing way to market and create sales.

My Starter kit arrived around Thanksgiving. Friends and family purchased about half my kit in a few hours. The quality at this price point is unmatched.


If you are interested in becoming a Paparazzi Consultant, I would be more then happy for you to join my growing team! I want to see you succeed and for you to get as excited about this company as I am! I am here to help in any way that I can. I have several resources I can share with you on how to start up your business and how to book parties, start . Please feel free to email me with questions and I will answer them ASAP! glamwithmack@icloud.com

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